Statistics as Graphs plugin for Revive Adserver

Revive Adserver has on-screen reports that display the statistics for advertisers, campaigns, websites, and zones, and an overall report that shows ‘global history’. This free plugin adds new items to the Statistics section, displaying drill-down graphs for all the aforementioned screens.

A note about this plugin and Flash support in browsers

Please note that the free Statistics as Graphs plugin, which was developed initially in 2009, relies on Flash support in your browser. Most if not all modern browsers stopped supporting Flash a long time ago, and therefore, this plugin will not work anymore. We are considering to redevelop this plugin and remove the requirement for Flash. However, since this is a free plugin, it will take some time to find the necessary developer resources.

An alternative: Dashboard plugin for Revive Adserver

dashix-logoDashiX – the Dashboard plugin for Revive Adserver.

This plugin enhances Revive Adserver by adding a dashboard showing all active campaigns, each with a visual progress indicator showing if it is behind, ahead of or exactly on schedule.

Read about DashiX – the Dashboard plugin for Revive Adserver, or buy DashiX now.

Download and installation

Even though this plugin has been discontinued, we still make it available to download for educational purposes:

Download “Statistics as Graphs plugin for Revive Adserver” – Downloaded 7827 times – 324.33 KB

Next, read the instructions on installing plugins in Revive Adserver.


Release notes

Version 1.0.6 – released October 15, 2015

This is a security fix release, taking care of a potential, low risk vulnerability found in the OFC2 third-party component that is used to generate the graphs in the Statistics as Graphs plugin.

Version 1.0.5 – released May 5, 2014

Due to a small change introduced in version 3.0.3 of Revive Adserver, the older versions of the Statistics as Graphs plugin no longer worked correctly. Version 1.0.5 of the GraphiX was released to ensure compatibility with Revive Adserver v3.0.3 and higher.  This version does not contain any new features.

Version 1.0.4 – released September 2, 2011

In a number of specific cases, upgrading from version 1.0.2 to version 1.0.3 does not fix the security vulnerability that was fixed in version 1.0.3. Users running version 1.0.3 who had earlier versions on their server should upgrade to version 1.0.4 to remove the vulnerable file.

Version 1.0.3 – released September 13, 2010

This is a security fix release, taking care of one issue:

  • A vulnerability was found in an open source third-party component that is used to generate the graphs in the Statistics as Graphs plugin.

Version 1.0.2 – released August 11, 2010

This is a bug fix release that takes care of one issue:

  • Properly fixed the issue with scientific notation: the previous fix was generating a malformed JSON response in certain situations

In addition to this, we have incorporated a built-in version check so that we can notify users of new versions from inside the user interface of the graphs pages.

Version 1.0.1 – released February 19, 2010

This is a bug fix release that takes care of the following issues:

  • Fixed compatibility issue with PHP versions lower than v5.2.
  • Fixed problem with very big numbers in the statistics being represented in scientific notation, but Open Flash Chart v2 can’t handle scientific notation.
  • Fixed problem with graphs not being displayed in certain situations in Internet Explorer, when the OpenX user interface is running on a secure address (https).
  • Fixed problem where the “Next” button underneath the graphs was appearing out of place when using Internet Explorer 8.

Version 1.0.0 – released December 22, 2009

  • Switched to Open Flash Chart 2
  • More graphs are available:
    • Global History
    • Advertiser History
    • Campaign History
    • Banner History
    • Website History
    • Zone History
  • Any account type can now access the graphs
  • Impressions and clicks are now displayed as bar charts with independent axis
  • CTR stats are displayed with a line chart
  • Default view is now current month with daily breakdown
  • Graphs are browsable up to monthly breakdown or down to hourly level
  • Previous/next year/month/day buttons available

Version 0.90-beta – released November 10, 2009

  • This is a beta version of the “Statistics as Graphs” plugin, publicly released to collect feedback and suggestions.
  • As always with beta software, we suggest testing this plugin first in a staging environment or on a copy of your live system.
  • We do not accept responsibility for any problems arising from the use of this beta software.
  • This plugin does not make any changes to the existing tables in your OpenX database, and it does not add any tables. It just retrieves data from the database and displays that data as a graph. The plugin connects to the database using the very same data access layer that’s also used by the standard ‘Global history’ page. It does not store or alter data in the database in any way.
  • The Global History Graph is visible only for administrators and managers. Other users (advertisers and website owners) don’t see the new link in the Statistics menu.
  • When used on a system with a large database, it can take a long time for the graph to appear.
This free plugin adds new items to the Statistics section,
that displays drill-down graphs for all the aforementioned screens.