We are pleased to release version 1.5.0 of the VidiX Advanced Video Ads plugin for Revive Adserver. This new version has two new features that were in high demand from our customers:
- Entering additional trackers
- Creating of VAST2 event trackers for third-party video ads
Additional trackers
We have implemented a feature to allow for the inclusion of multiple additional trackers. After creating either a self-hosted pre-roll ad, or a network video ad using a third-party VAST URL, the user interface will display a new tab called “Additional trackers”:
Clicking this tab displays a field that can be used to paste in one, or even multiple additional trackers:
Entering multiple trackers is easy, just add one per line. Theoretically there is no limit to the number of additional trackers.
Given the technical specifications of the VAST protocol, these trackers have to be URLs, they can’t be javascript. The VidiX plugin will perform some validations on the URLs being used.
Each of the additional trackers will be included in the VAST2 output of the ad server using the correct XML syntax and format.
VAST event trackers for third-party VAST tags
Starting with this new version, when the video ad, being delivered by Revive Adserver and the VidiX plugin, is a third-party VAST tag, the VAST2 event trackers (like 25%, 50%, 75% and completed, for example) will now also be included in the XML output. This enables users to track the View-trough-rate (VTR) metrics of all in-stream ads being delivered.
Product information
For a full description of the VidiX plugin and all of the features, please visit the “Advanced Video Ads Plugin for Revive Adserver” product page, or go straight to the Order form to purchase a licence of VidiX.