The team at is proud to announce an update of the free “Statistics as Graphs” plugin. This version 1.0.0 release is available for download right now at the product page.

New features

In addition to the Global History Graph that was available in the beta version, this new version now has graphs for almost all statistics that Revive Adserver can show:

  • Advertiser
  • Campaign
  • Banner
  • Website
  • Zone

Graphs are now available for all user types (administrators, managers, advertisers, website owners).

Every graph has buttons to navigate to the previous and next month, or to go up a level to show the current year’s statistics. Clicking a bar will drill down into the underlying statistics, down to a day graph with an hourly break down.

Graphs will show the actual numbers for every bar and dot by positioning the mouse over them.


The graphs are now displayed using the open source product “Open Flash Chart 2”, which comes bundled with the plugin. To speed up the display of the graphs, the initial time frame is always the current month.